Truth, Knowledge, Cultural Integrity

Having Pundit Prasad and his wife, Lakshmi Anasuya, here at Mount Soma is wonderful.  It feels like two long lost friends have finally returned.


Being from a very different culture than ours, they seem to have adapted with incredible ease.  Pundit Prasad has performed a Rudrabishek and with Navaratri coming up Monday, a number of ceremonies will soon be taking place. Check the CALENDAR.


Someone asked a reasonable question, “Are we going to be changing our culture to conform to another?”  To which I responded, “Do you really think I would allow that to happen?”  He smiled confirming he understood.


First there is truth.  It is scientific reality.  Yet science is not aware of all the mechanics of nature, so it is better to say truth is Natural Law.


The Laws of Nature exist and are valid, even if science has not yet discovered them. When a new Law of Nature is discovered by scientists, new technologies arise based upon that science.


The Veda is Nature.  All Laws of Nature are contained within the Veda.  In ancient times, Knowledge of Veda brought forth technologies of which modern day science is not aware.  Ancient Vedic knowledge emerged from a very different approach to gaining knowledge of truth, every bit as valid as our modern day science.  Pundits from India have kept ancient Vedic knowledge and technology lively throughout the generations.  That technology offers humanity many benefits.


Then we come to the matter of culture and cultural integrity.  The ways of a culture vary from one part of the world to another.  The traditions and ways of a culture support life by providing a structure that is in harmony with the area.  The more evolved the culture, the more fully this is so.  In lesser evolved times, disharmony with nature arises within the people and thus cultures.


It is the place of religion to be an interface between cultural tradition and Natural Law.  Each culture has a religion that when healthy does exactly that.  Each religion should be a bridge between a unique culture and Universal Truth.


My intent is to assist every culture to align with Natural Law, to breath in new life and more cultural integrity, thereby healing all of humanity and our planet as a whole.


This is the only way to truly heal our world, and that process starts with individuals, then expands through communities to nations.  To whitewash the world by turning every culture into one homogenous global culture would be to compromise life.


We must align with knowledge, wherever we find it.    Vedic technology offers us a powerful means to do this and we use that technology to heal our world.  It is universal, just as modern day science is universal.


It would be contrary to our purpose to turn westerners into easterners, or visa versa.  We must strengthen each culture, not dilute or whitewash them.  Yet cultures must interact and learn to live in harmony with one and other.


How else can there be peace and mutual support among people?

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


  1. There be love there.

  2. It is very much said about the Truth of the universe. I deeply appreciated. thanks. that is Universal love. I just finish my India and China trip , it carrys the same message. thanks again.