The Steamroller Effect

Things are quite busy at Mount Soma these days as we prepare for the Somanath USA Temple inauguration that will take place May 12-16.  It is a lot of fun to experience the increase in activity as Mount Soma blossoms into an ever increasingly dynamic community.


Next week we will post a blog with details about what will be happening during the inauguration.  I hope you enjoy it and I very much hope to see you at the inauguration.


This actually brings up a pattern that I have been intrigued by lately.  A number of times I have given my viewpoint to individuals on things that are going on in their life.  Admittedly, at times I felt like I was being too pushy with my opinion.  However, I felt so strongly about it that I could not just let it go and watch them continue in a direction that I was sure they would regret.


What amazes me is that, after things did go awry, they would come back to me and say, “I wish you warned me.”  When I would tell them that I felt I was actually overly imposing with my warnings, they were astonished. They genuinely did not hear it, saying, “I wish you said it more forcefully.”


Now I would think that perhaps the problem was that I had a problem speaking my mind.  However, those of you that know me are well aware that this is not the case.


Also, on a number of occasions, others spoke with them with similar warnings that were not heard.  This speaks to a dynamic of the mind.  It relates to the concept of satiation and momentum that I will be talking/writing about more in the future.  For now, know that there is a momentum to mentality.  It is like a steamroller that guides your life. Getting off the steamroller is essential to a healthy life.  It is essential to evolution. Yet it is not so easy to do or see.  We will be working with this more in the future.


For now, I just need to say: Do not miss the temple inauguration.  It is an extremely rare event.  It is not only the inauguration of a Shiva Temple, which is, in and of itself, a tremendously significant and powerful event.  It is the inauguration of “a perfect Guru Shala” – a rare, precious, and powerful event in the history of time.  More on that in next week’s blog about the inauguration.


If you miss the inauguration, I sincerely believe the time will come when you regret it.  That is the time you may say to me, “I wish you recommended it more strongly.”


So please take note.  I am strongly recommending that you do everything you can to attend.   This comes straight from my heart.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


  1. I am SO THERE. I wish I were there to help in preparation.

    Thank you SO MUCH to all the Ashram people who are holding the space day in and day out. They are my heroes. Also to the inhabitants of Mt. Soma who day in and day out hold the space as well. Marcia you are also m specialy hero. I treasure the moment when you let Curt and I peek in the box. I still have those pictures somewhere. Marlene and Judy you are gifts. Tanja your unending deidication and love, and those gorgeous pictires. Not meaning to omit people, but I just am in such gratitude even to the unseen who made this monetarily possible. And also to all us scattered all over the place holding the intention and meditating and doing what we can, in our way. Jai Guru Dev!

  2. I could say the temple is the symbol of the Universal love that you try to give to the humanity. “pushing” contribute a lot to the culture difference between east and west. the discipline issue will follow. I try to learn from years of cultivation to find the HR and LS, and cultivate that issue. part of it due to the culture I have immerse in with my life that creat me with “pushing” root it very deeply. through the surya program and my daughter’s reaction to my pushing act. I have really work on it for long time. I have felt your beautiful knowledge do need some pushing action sometime. may be I am wrong. No matter what, I really feel good about you have mention this word of “pushing”. Sometime, if you do not try to push yourself into it in the beginning. you will never have chance to know how good it is and how much you have felt in love with this knowledge.

  3. I have yet to visit Mount Soma but am tagging along with my dad for this event. Very excited, im sure it will be an indescribable experience.

  4. I will be there!!! This comes at a perfect time, after my last paper will be turned in for my Master’s program and just before my graduation. I am so happy to rejoin my Surya family for this big event. See you all in May. Jasmine

  5. I just found out yesterday my husband is coming. It will be his first time on Mount Soma. Talk about miracles manifesting!

  6. Unfortunately, people do not hear until they are ready to listen.
    Keep up your efforts Michael.