Jyotish and the Election

Joni PatryThis article is an interesting perspective from Joni Patry, a Vedic Astrologer. It begins:

“Since the shock of the recent elections I have been studying the chart of Donald Trump to better understand where we are going as a nation.

“So many are disappointed and in shock by the results of the recent elections. My message is to bring healing and hope to the those who are worried about the fate of the US with Donald Trump as President. My sincere plea is that the anger and resentment be dissolved as to avert a possible terrorist attack by letting go of the anger running rampant over the elections”…

Read more:

Spiritual Insights December 2016 by Joni Patry

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


  1. Really interesting. A friend told me to look this jyotishi up but I had not done so yet. I hope she is 100% right about the causes to be hopeful. That is an awful lot of Jupiter! Glad I’ll be at Deep Dive, either way, but especially if things are not smooth.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. It provides both hope for the future and direction to come together.

  3. Thank you for sharing this article. On the eve of the electoral college vote, I meditated and prayed for the best possible president and the best for our country. Ms. Patry’s interpretation gives me hope should the vote confirm Mr. Trump.

  4. This also kind of reminds me of stories where you talked about how stopping a society from smoking is not always good (in rare situations) and getting large groups of people to meditate can be bad (in occasional instances). I guess that any situation is not necessarily what I think. It also makes me think about race car drivers. I would assume they’d always want to go as fast as possible, but really, they probably have to purposefully go slower at times, maybe to negotiate a curve, before finishing the course.

  5. I listened to Joni’s 2015 prediction about a new political figure rising. That, along with what I was hearing “on the street”, made me not really surprised about the outcome of the election. What shocked me is how people are reacting since. I’m with Joni. It is time to move forward with eyes wide open to all the possibilities. The extreme criticism and wildly extrapolated doomsday speculations from the media about Trump are not productive. Worse, they are fueling hatred and fear within us and in the citizens of all the world’s nations watching us. Let’s pull out of this toxic emotional rut asap!

  6. Thank you!