
I had a very interesting experience the other day.


I asked several Vedic scholars to interpret the same line from the Veda.  The interpretations were very different, though tangentially related.  This emphasizes something that I have talked about but it brought it so fully to light that it even surprised me.


The Veda is a field of abstraction – nature is based upon profound abstraction.  It’s not concrete.  It’s not well defined.  Abstraction is all encompassing and it’s all pervasive.


It’s just like with an electron.  An electron is a cloud, a probability cloud.  Only when we grab on to it and reduce it down to something as inane as a point, do we interact with it. Through that interaction it is compromised.


All of life is that way.  Every sloka in the veda is like that. This is because it’s the actual language of the underlying essence of life – the field of pure abstraction, the nature of Mother Nature.


We try to quantify that.  We try to embrace life as if it is reducible to very concrete forms, and we behave in life in that manner believing it is the ‘truth.’  But it’s not consistent with nature.  It’s not consistent with Mother Nature, and it’s not consistent with our true nature.


I do understand that my relationship with life is not conventional.  I relate to life in a very abstract manner.  People ask me questions and they look for a concrete response.  But I know from within my own being, my own soul, my own heart, that life is just not that way. The universe doesn’t work that way.  It is pliable.  It is dynamic.  You can take an infinite number of slices through that same one pie, and they all have some validity, yet they all contradict one and other.


So if people ask me again, searching for a particular answer, I am capable of bending in that direction.  But nevertheless, through that process there is some compromise.  There is some accounting of the person’s inflexibility.


So take what I say and work with it to try to develop a deeper understanding of life, rather than trying to take what I say and force it into the mold of your own relationship with life as it currently is.  Evolve your relationship, not only with me, but with all of life.


Embrace this understanding and use it to evolve. The other approach confines and limits you.  And that limitation has been the fate of humanity throughout history.

The Master’s words come from the unbounded, yet they are received through the filter of limitation and confinement.  Commit yourself to looking deeper.


That is the path of wisdom, the path of discernment, the path to enlightenment.

© Michael Mamas. All rights reserved.


  1. Wow! What a blog! Brahmarshi is an outpouring of the abstraction that he speaks of. What a great way for us to learn the nature of the Transcendant- in living, breathing form. This is a blog I’ll treasure.

  2. so it is ..so let it be..